
The Last Message (well, maybe not)

  The Last Message (well, maybe not) Click Here

The Last Message (well, maybe not)

  The Last Message After 29 years of teaching here at Huntington Beach Community Church of the Nazarene, there are a couple of truths that I want to leave you with.    Jesus said: A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. John 10:10 (MSG).  The “they” is you.  Jesus wants you to live an abundant life.   Real and eternal life, abundant life, life to the full, Jesus is the one who can empower you to live your life to the full. Life to the full is a life in which you experience love, both being loved and being able to love others.  Life to the full is experiencing acceptance and belonging, it is being an integral member of a community, a family.  Life to the full is living with meaning and purpose.  The result is that your life counts, you make a difference in this world, and you discover that you are living a significant life.   This is what God has intended for humanity, life to the

Reflections on Revelation #4 The One Who Promises

  Reflections on Revelation #4 The One Who Promises Click Here

Reflections on Revelation #4 The One Who Promises

  Reflections on Revelation #4 The One Who Promises Click Here

Reflections on Revelation #4 The One Who Promises

  Reflections on Revelation #4 The One Who Promises   There are great and precious promises made to believers who overcome Satan’s schemes (2 Peter 1:4).  We considered the rewards Jesus gives to His faithful, for those who endure the rough, intense, and catastrophic times of the End. The rewards include a resurrection from the dead, being publicly acknowledged for your faithfulness, no longer will you be despised and rejected, instead a crown of victory will be placed upon your head, you will march in the parade of triumph.  You will be granted special privileges because of your service.  There is a new name and a new identity bestowed upon you.  You will share in Christ’s authority, that victory over sin, death, and evil.  You will be given a permanent place of prestige in the Kingdom, God Himself will confer honor upon you, and you will look upon His face and know Him.  This is eternal life, eating the fruit from the Tree of Life, consuming the hidden manna that nourishes the soul. 

Reflections on Revelation #3 Rewards for the Overcomer

Reflections on Revelation #3 Rewards for the Overcomer Click Here