
Revelation #31 Revelation 19:1-10 End Times: Let the Hallelujahs Ring

Revelation #31 Revelation 19:1-10 End Times: Let the Hallelujahs Ring Click Here

Revelation #31 Revelation 19:1-10 End Times: Let the Hallelujahs Ring

  Revelation #31 Revelation 19:1-10 End Times: Let the Hallelujahs Ring   Babylon is fallen and there is a hallelujah chorus of praise. The Marriage supper of the Lamb is about to begin. Heaven will open wide, “the clouds rolled back as a scroll;” and the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, enters the scene. The Beast has assembled its armies in Megiddo and is going to go face-to-face with Jesus. But first the response to the fall of Babylon. Chapter 19 is a chapter of victory.   Rev 19:1-2 (MSG) I heard a sound like massed choirs in Heaven singing,  Hallelujah! The salvation and glory and power are God's—his judgments true, his judgments just. He judged the great Whore who corrupted the earth with her lust. He avenged on her the blood of his servants.   Hallelujah, time to praise God.  The Hebrew “ halelu ” means joyous praise and boasting, “ Yah ” is a shortened form of “YHWH” a prominent name for the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  The Great Whore

Revelation #30 Revelation 18: 1-24 End Times: The Fall of Babylon

  Revelation #30 Revelation 18: 1-24 End Times: The Fall of Babylon Click Here

Revelation #30 Revelation 18: 1-24 End Times: The Fall of Babylon

  Revelation #30 Revelation 18: 1-24 End Times: The Fall of Babylon Click Here

Revelation #30 Revelation 18: 1-24 End Times: The Fall of Babylon

  Revelation #30 Revelation 18: 1-24 End Times: The Fall of Babylon   We’ve been told that Babylon has come to its end.  Revelation 14:8 reveals Babylon has fallen.  Revelation 16:9 reveals the great city lies in ruins.  Revelation 17 depicts the Beast devouring Babylon.  Babylon represents the entirety of culture that is opposed to God.  Her downfall happens in the 7 th event. John’s original readers would understand that this is a reference to Rome and all that Roman culture represents. For believers, it is the center of evil.  In chapter 18 John sees details of Babylon’s destruction. As we explore this chapter, we once again need to be reminded that if we go looking in the pages of history for the fall of Rome, or if we assume that sometime in the future the city of Rome is going to be devastated, we are missing the meaning of John’s words. For the Kingdom to be Consummated everything and everyone that is not aligned with God is removed. In the End, anti-Christ culture will cease t

Revelation #29 Revelation 17: 6b-18 Babylon and the Beast

  Revelation #29  Revelation 17: 6b-18 Babylon and the Beast Click Here