
Reflections on Revelation #4 The One Who Promises

  Reflections on Revelation #4 The One Who Promises Click Here

Reflections on Revelation #4 The One Who Promises

  Reflections on Revelation #4 The One Who Promises   There are great and precious promises made to believers who overcome Satan’s schemes (2 Peter 1:4).  We considered the rewards Jesus gives to His faithful, for those who endure the rough, intense, and catastrophic times of the End. The rewards include a resurrection from the dead, being publicly acknowledged for your faithfulness, no longer will you be despised and rejected, instead a crown of victory will be placed upon your head, you will march in the parade of triumph.  You will be granted special privileges because of your service.  There is a new name and a new identity bestowed upon you.  You will share in Christ’s authority, that victory over sin, death, and evil.  You will be given a permanent place of prestige in the Kingdom, God Himself will confer honor upon you, and you will look upon His face and know Him.  This is eternal life, eating the fruit from the Tree of Life, consuming the hidden manna that nourishes the soul. 

Reflections on Revelation #3 Rewards for the Overcomer

Reflections on Revelation #3 Rewards for the Overcomer Click Here 

Reflections on Revelation #3 Rewards for the Overcomer

  Reflections on Revelation #3 Rewards for the Overcomer Click Here

Reflections on Revelation #3 Rewards for the Overcomer

  Reflections on Revelation #3 Rewards for the Overcomer   Having carefully examined the Revelation we are now in a position to do some reflecting on the book and discover ways we can directly apply its Truth to our lives.   We know that John’s original audience were enduring various degrees of suffering because of their faith in Christ.  Rough times, intense times, and catastrophic times were the norm.  Babylon was the culture that they found themselves in, a culture under the judgment of God for her unrighteousness.    God has judged Babylon to be unrighteous because of her idolatry, immorality, economic exploitation, blasphemy, violence, and persecution of His children.  Babylon is corrupt, through and through, and being misaligned with God, is on a path of self-destruction. Every culture that follows in her footsteps is destined for destruction.  That’s why in Revelation 18:4 we are urged to get out of Babylon or we will get caught up in her doom.   Last time we considered 5 warnin

Reflections on Revelation #2 Ears to Hear

  Reflections on Revelation #2 Ears to Hear Click Here