Exploring 1 John Session 15: 1 John 2:26-27
Exploring 1 John
Session 15: 1 John 2:26-27
In our previous
sessions, we have covered the background material sufficiently for you to
understand the issues to which John is writing.
We know there were folks within the congregation that got swept up in an
explanation of Jesus' nature and relationship with the Father that undermined
the gospel. The folks that left were
trying to persuade those that stayed to move over to their more logical and
popular opinions about the gospel message.
John has written
that these folks
1 John 2:19 (MSG)
They left us, but
they were never really with us.
In session 15 we
are going to learn why they left, we are going to discuss the amazing blessing
of Christ’s anointing and then discover how to live deeply in what we have been
1 John 2:26-27
I've written to warn you about those who are
trying to deceive you. But they're no match for what is embedded deeply within
you—Christ's anointing, no less! You don't need any of their so-called
teaching. Christ's anointing teaches you the truth on everything you need to
know about yourself and him, uncontaminated by a single lie. Live deeply in
what you were taught.
There always have
been deceivers in the Church; wolves among the sheep, those who pedal for
profit the Word of God, those who teach their newest revelation that they have
received. It’s difficult when someone
you admire for their teaching all of a sudden veers off into some tangent. Some of the false teaching in the church
today is that God is angry, and vindictive, pouring his wrath on Jesus for our
sins, and will punish those who don’t meet his expectations by sending them to
eternal damnation, not a scriptural revelation. False teachers preaching that
you must follow specific rules to please God, you have to have the right kind
of faith for God to answer your prayers, give financially and you will receive
financially, not scriptural revelations.
Be a loyal disciple and God will bless you with health and wealth,
giving you the desires of your heart so that you can live the American Dream, not
in the Bible, only on TV. Recite a
special prayer three times daily and God will bless you, not in the Bible. God
loves you so much it doesn’t matter what you do, just have faith, not in the
Bible. Never question pastoral leadership,
he is God’s man with God’s plan and definitely cannot be a woman, not in the
Bible. Now to step on doctrinal
sensibilities, I can’t find evidence in scripture for a rapture of the Church
before the Second coming of Christ. I
can’t find evidence in scripture that the gifts of the Spirit ended with the
Apostles. I can’t find evidence in
scripture that God governs through dispensations. I can’t find evidence in scripture that
Christians escape the great tribulation.
Matthew 7:15 (NIV)
& 15-16 (MSG)
"Watch out for
false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are
ferocious wolves. “…"Be wary of false preachers who smile a lot, dripping
with practiced sincerity. Chances are they are out to rip you off some way or
other. Don't be impressed with charisma; look for character. Who preachers are
is the main thing, not what they say. A genuine leader will never exploit your
emotions or your pocketbook.”
Be wary of the
deceivers. Always investigate someone’s,
preaching, prophecies, and proclamations.
Is what said supported clearly in scripture? Is what said have a precedent within the
history of Christianity? Is what said in
accord with the instruction you received when you first believed? Is what said accepted among all believers? Is what said backed up by a life of
righteousness? Do your own work. Do your own research. Use that good mind that God gifted you with. True biblical teaching will set you free from
legalism, fear, and manipulation. True
biblical teaching condemns sin and offers grace, mercy, and the opportunity to
The deceivers John
is writing about are those that denied that Jesus is God in body and soul,
human in every way except without sin.
The deceivers were caught up and lead astray by the prevailing
philosophy of the day called Gnosticism.
They believed in Jesus, but not the gospel revelation of who He is. As we have established right belief and right
action are necessary for salvation. If
Jesus isn’t fully God and fully human, then there can be no atonement made and
we remain estranged from life and light, from fellowship with the Father, Son,
and Holy Spirit.
John tells us that
those who left didn’t have what he calls “Christ’s anointing,” those that
stayed did. He tells his congregation
that this anointing is embedded deeply within the believer and helps them
discern truth from error. There are three understandings of this
The first anointing
is the teaching that the congregation received from John. Can you imagine sitting at the feet of the
Apostle John and learning what he had to tell us about his experiences with
Jesus? The questions you could have
asked and gotten answers too? Its
speculation on my part but most likely John taught from Moses and all the
prophets, the revelation of the Old Testament, explaining the scripture in such
a way that they pointed to Jesus. We
know that John testified to God’s plan for reconciliation that he was an
eyewitness to the ministry of Jesus. God incarnates, models what it means to be
human while revealing the character and nature of God, then sacrifices Himself
in death to make atonement for the sins of the world that those who call upon Him
for salvation are reconciled to God. You
can be reconciled to God, you can walk in the light, you can be born again, you
can be saved: acknowledge your
estrangement, believe that Jesus is the way, the truth, the life, that empowers
reconciliation, commit yourself to live as his disciple, to walk in the light,
to believe right and act right, then ask God to make you one of his own, to be
counted among those who are united to Him.
If you feel a tug on your heart right now, that this is something you
must do, then do it know. I want you in
the light. I want you to walk in the
light. Today you could shine. Ask God right now to accept your faith
(Ephesians 2:8-9). The first understanding
of this anointing is the knowledge of Christ, it’s the right belief.
The second
anointing refers to baptism but in a roundabout way. Baptism is a sacrament, a sacred ritual instituted
by Jesus. There are no un-baptized
Christ-followers in John’s day. Another
John, John Wesley, refers to baptism as a means of grace. Grace is the unmerited favor of God enabling
you to desire to do God’s will and the wherewithal to accomplish God’s
will. There is a lot more to baptism
than getting wet. Baptism is a ritual of
identification with Jesus (Romans 6:4). The person being baptized approaches
the water symbolizing leaving their old life behind, they enter the water
symbolizing the crucifixion, they are immersed in the water symbolizing death,
they are brought up out of the water symbolizing the resurrection and they
leave the water symbolizing the new way of life as a disciple (Colossians 2:12). In some rituals, a person is anointed with
oil symbolizing the infilling of the Holy Spirit. To participate in the ritual is to make the
gospel your own faith story. In the
early church, you may have spent up to a year being mentored in the faith
before you were allowed to be baptized, for baptism was how all believers became
members of the Church. You were given
plenty of time to count the cost of being a Christ-follower (Luke 14:28). The second understanding of this anointing is
the strength, solidarity, and safety of the congregation.
The third anointing
is that of the Holy Spirit. When having
acknowledged your dead-end way of life (Colossians 1:13), believed that Jesus
makes it possible for you to live your life to the full (John 10:10), committed
to being Jesus disciple (Luke 9:23), and have asked God to accept your faith
(Romans 10:13), that acceptance comes with the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
God the Holy Spirit supernaturally takes up residence within you (Ephesians
1:13), empowering you to desire the will of God and to do the will of God
(Romans 8:9). Jesus instructed us that
once the Holy Spirit took up residence within that the Spirit would lead the
believer into all truth (John 16:13). The
third understanding of this anointing is the active guidance of the Holy
One of the tasks as
a new believer is to learn to hear the voice of the Spirit, to discern God’s
voice, from your own, or others (Romans 8:14).
In my education in the Spirit here are some guidelines that I have found
to be very helpful in discerning the voice of God. First, the Spirit will not contradict the
written Word. Second, the Spirit will
not lead you into selfish gain, not for fame or fortune. Thirdly, the Spirit leads to a collaborative
fellowship to accomplish God’s desires (John 5:19). Fourth, the Spirit will not lead you into
hypocrisy, compromise, or anything shady, rather what is necessary to build
others up. Fifth, the Spirit never
manipulates or coerces or threatens; the Spirit does warn, rebuke, and correct,
most definitely, but taking His path is always your choice. Sixth, the Spirit direction is always wise
you will not be led into doing something stupid. Seven, the Spirit will not cause confusion,
or lead you into division, fear, or strife, the Spirit will not have you
constantly changing directions.
Isaiah 30:20-21
Just as the Master
kept you alive during the hard times, he'll keep your teacher alive and present
among you. Your teacher will be right there, local and on the job, urging you
on whenever you wander left or right: "This is the right road. Walk down
this road."
Don’t expect that
the Holy Spirit will speak to you through signs and wonders. That earthquake, that lightning bolt, that
dream or vision, makes for great testimonies but most often it's in the quiet
that we hear the Spirit. In the quiet we
listen, that’s why prayer and contemplation and reading the scripture are part
of the seven habits of a disciple.
1 Kings 19:11-13
A hurricane wind
ripped through the mountains and shattered the rocks before God, but God wasn't
to be found in the wind; after the wind an earthquake, but God wasn't in the
earthquake; and after the earthquake fire, but God wasn't in the fire; and
after the fire a gentle and quiet whisper. When Elijah heard the quiet voice,
he muffled his face with his great cloak, went to the mouth of the cave, and
stood there. A quiet voice asked, "So Elijah, now tell me, what are you
doing here?"
Christ’s anointing
is deeply embedded in you because you have stayed true to the basics. You have kept the orthodox teachings of the
faith, you have become an active participant in the congregation that holds to
the gospel of the Apostles through baptism.
You listen to the leading of the Holy Spirit. It is through this anointing that you can
discern truth from error and live a devout and holy life. Right belief, right action is the result of
Christ’s anointing. When presented with
false teaching it is this anointing that sends up a red flag in your
spirit. Something feels not quite
right. The anointing causes you to
ponder and think through the ramification of what has been said. The anointing instigates an investigation, a
search for truth. In the quiet, the
anointing guides and protects.
You may find it
interesting to consider that in the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible, it is the
prophet (1 Kings 19:16), the priest (Exodus 28:7), and the King (1 Samuel 16:3
& 12) who are anointed. The
anointing was God’s seal for special service limited to these groups of people;
prophets, priests, and kings. The
anointing with oil is a symbol of sanctification and empowerment, being set
apart for God’s purposes and equipped to carry out those purposes. John is telling us that this anointing is not
for select special individuals, now it’s for all who believe. Set apart and empowered for service is an
anointing that is grace gifted to you if you are a believer.
We are to live
deeply in what we have been taught. Live
deeply is reminiscent of the admonition in Deuteronomy concerning the commands
of God.
Deuteronomy 6:5-9
Love God, your God,
with your whole heart: love him with all that's in you, love him with all
you've got!
Write these
commandments that I've given you today on your hearts. Get them inside of you and
then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting
at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in
the morning to when you fall into bed at night. Tie them on your hands and
foreheads as a reminder; inscribe them on the doorposts of your homes and on
your city gates.
We are to be
immersed in the anointing. In my home,
there are several reminders displayed that are there to remind me of being set
apart to serve. There are crosses, there
are scriptures, there is artwork. All
serving as visual reminders to live deeply in what I have been taught. I have Bibles at the ready, one, in
particular, I use 6 days a week for a quiet time—a quiet time so that I can
hear the guidance I need for the day, I read scripture usually a Psalm for the
week and then a selected passage of scripture, and then I write out my impressions
and prayers; all to help me to live deeply in what I have been taught. In the last couple of weeks, I have been
ending this time with questions like: how can I be a blessing today? How can I comfort the one who is
suffering? Who can I encourage today? These reminders to activate my anointing, notice
that right belief must be accompanied by right behavior, a prompt that I am to
live deeply in what I have been taught. Some Christian music, some books, some
conversations help me live deeply. My
wife, my friends, and my church family, each holds me accountable to live
deeply, that’s why I need a congregation.
You know that in
the years following 2011, I put the things that I have been taught into a
crucible. I critically examined the
things that I have been taught. The
result was that some beliefs were challenged.
I have made some changes. I think
differently than I did in 1985 when I started full-time work as a pastor. Even
though I reject some of those teachings, I still believe my beliefs fall well
within the boundaries of orthodoxy. I’ve
stayed with the original message. I can testify that the anointing remains,
even if I have been accused of being a heretic from time to time. Don’t be afraid to think. Don’t be afraid to challenge and to
question. Keep loving God and loving
others, be an active part of a congregation, that’s the way to be in the light,
that’s the way to shine. I want you in
the light.
So what do we walk
away with today? It is the job of every disciple of Jesus to be on guard against
deceivers. Watch out for the false
preacher, the false prophet, the false pastor.
There are anti-Christs everywhere.
You will most likely find them in the church. Allow Christ’s anointing to help you discern
truth, to guide you on your journey. Don’t
just accept, evaluate, and if its Truth, assimilate. Abide deeply in the truth you have been
For those who
didn’t hear, if you’re a believer you need a congregation; if you’re a believer
you should be baptized; if you’re a believer you need be active in some sort of
ministry; if you’re a believer you need to be practicing the 7 habits of a
disciple; if you are a believer you need to think and evaluate what the pastor,
prophet or priest is teaching; if you’re a believer right belief plus right
action plus right words allows God to shine through you. I want you to shine.
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