Merry, Merry Christmas 2022 #1 Let's Celebrate

Merry, Merry Christmas 2022 #1


We’ve gone through some tough times since the COVID pandemic hit: Wokeism, Bidenism, Rabid MAGA Republicans, ANTIFA, Polarization, Inflation, Genderism, Pronouns, Equity, Identity Politics, Insurrection, Riot Protesting, Socialism Indoctrination, Cancel Culture, Men Can Have Babies, Transgenderism for preschoolers, 5G, UFO’s and UAP’s, Biological Males competing as Woman, Hurricanes, Drag Queen Shows at Elementary Schools, Drought, Flood, Taxes Increasing, Inflation, Shortages, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Gun Violence.  Let’s sum it all up in one word—Exhausting. How about this Christmas we just have some fun?


Christmas is good news for all people, everywhere. We can use a whole lot of good news.


Luke 2:8-11 (MSG)

There were sheepherders camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over their sheep. Suddenly, God's angel stood among them and God's glory blazed around them. They were terrified. The angel said, "Don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody, worldwide: A Savior has just been born…


Christmas is a time to celebrate a great and joyful event, the birth of a savior. Take a moment to recall all the saviors in your life. Your birthing parent brought you into this world, he, she, it, or they, is your birthing savior.  OK, just joking [about the pronouns].  Parents can be a type of savior.  Teachers can fill that role. Best friends, companions, and mentors may have one time, or another been a savior to you. Sherri, my spouse, is a savior to me.  Grant’s caregivers are saviors. The cop, the Paramedic, and the doctor, all fill the role of savior. If you ever had a toothache, you know a Dentist can be a savior. Family, extended family, maybe your kids or grandkids can make a difference for you. How about farmers, truckers, and grocery stories?  Sure they can, you have food on your table, don’t you? Even the government can pull off a rescue, as surprising as that may be.


Recall the face, the name, of one of your saviors. That person who was therefore you.  That person who helped you through.  That person who helped you get to the place you are today in life.  When you get someone in mind, recall what they did for you.  Let’s have fun this Christmas.  Thank them in your heart, thank God for His provision.  Take a moment to celebrate them.  Smile, smile right now, even if it’s a forced one, put a smile on your face. It was a joyful event.


People need saviors.  The Single mom, the orphan, the traumatized, the deserted, the lonely, the bullied, the special needs person, the addict, the homeless, the mentally ill, the poor, the sick, and the struggling all need saviors. Fools need saviors, praise God I had people saving me from folly.   Saved from indifference, insignificance, and meaninglessness. Saved from hurting the ones I love.  Saved for doing nothing for those I can help.  People need saviors.


If you want to have fun this Christmas, be someone’s savior.


Philippians 2:3-4 (MSG)

Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.


This Christmas, if you see someone in need, do something that will alleviate or at least help meet that need. It makes you a savior. Saving is what love does.  Even the listening ear, the kind word, and the helping hand might make all the difference in the world to the individual in need.  Smile at people.  Your giving will make Christmas fun.


I gave the best Christmas gift to my 9-year-old grandson. A broken drum. You can’t beat it.


Let's have fun this Christmas.  Turn off the news.   Seriously, stop the news feeds on your phone, pay no attention to the media, and forget the headlines.  Instead watch Christmas Movies.  Starting on Dec 12 give yourself 12 days of Christmas movies.  If you have family invite them to gather around or invite friends to join you.  Consider this list of flicks in order: Christmas in Connecticut (1945), It’s a Wonderful Life (1946), Miracle on 34th Street (1947), It Happened on Fifth Avenue (1947); all classic Black and White Films that are fun.  Now on to some films with color: White Christmas (1954), Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (1964), How the Grinch Stole Christmas (1966),  A Christmas Story (1983), The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992), Elf (2003), The Preachers Wife (1996), The Santa Clause (1994).  Finally on Christmas Eve, A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965).  There’s a Christmas movie-watching challenge. Watch enjoy have fun.


What medical malady happens to your cat if it eats your Christmas tree decorations?  Tinsillitis.


For your Holiday entertainment put Christmas Music high on your list. “A Drummer Boy Christmas” by King and Country, “A Jolly Irish Christmas (vol 2)” by Rend Collective, “Christmas Day” by Chris Tomlin, “Emmanuel: Christmas Songs of Worship” by Chris Tomlin, “These Christmas Lights” by Matt Redman, “Behold: A Christmas Collection” by Lauren Daigle, “A Pentatonix Christmas” by Pentatonix, “Decade of the Halls (Vol 1)” by Tenth Avenue North, “Peace on Earth” by Casting Crowns,  “A Point of Grace Christmas” by Point of Grace, “It’s Finally Christmas” by Casting Crowns, and “Christmas” by Phil Wickham. Listen enjoy have fun.


Gingerbread man goes to the doctor: “Doc my knee is killing me.” Doc says, “have you tried icing it?”


Christmas is a “great and joyful event.”  Create joyful events for you and your family during the month. Schedule a few nights to do some fun stuff.  What’s fun? The family Christmas photo, making salt dough ornaments, baking Christmas cookies, exchanging white elephant gifts during the ugly Christmas sweater party, you can make that fun.  Check out the holiday decorations, like Newport Beach Festival of Lights, Costa Mesa’s Snoopy House, and Huntington Beach’s Davenport Island, you can make that fun.  Take the family or gather a group of friends and do a volunteer event.  The kickback for doing something nice or kind to a person who doesn’t expect it is the joy in your heart.


What do you call an Elf on the Shelf who just won the lottery? Welfy.


Give yourself permission to not do what you feel obligated to do.  Just don’t be a grinch, Christmas is to be a great and joyful event.  Here’s a bit of advice: that work Christmas party you dread, go to it, show up, look for the good in people, encourage your co-workers, and who knows you might get a chance to share the reason why you celebrate Christmas.  Turn that obligation into a mission.  Do you really have to charge your credit card up and take 6 months to pay it off?  If gift-giving is your thing, then have at it, just don’t strap yourself to credit card payments.  You’ve got to send out those Christmas cards, especially to the people you haven’t contacted all year.  No, you don’t.  If you want to, then have fun doing it. Whatever you choose to do, put your heart into it, things are always better when they are made with love. Here’s a bit of advice: even if you don’t feel like it, put up some decorations in your home, if nothing else a nativity, choose to be festive.


Of all the letters in the Alphabet, why did only the letter “E” get a Christmas present? The other letters were not E.


Don’t give into those Christmas Blues based on past disappointments.  If you need to grieve a loss, set a time limit, “I am going to be sad,” “I am going to cry,” “I am going to feel the loss” for 15 minutes, and then I am going to praise God for whoever was lost that they blessed my life for a short time.” Give yourself permission to let go of the past and create a new experience for your Christmas this year. It’s called moving forward. 

How does Santa remember all the fireplaces he’s visited?  He keeps a log.

Christmas is good news for all people, everywhere. A savior has been born.  It is a great and joyful event.  That’s why we celebrate. 


This savior will save His people from their sins.  There is a broad and sweeping definition for sin, sin is anything that is messed up.  If you are caught up in anything that is messed up, then you’re a sinner, doesn’t matter if it’s your fault or not. I know that is a huge blanket definition of sin, yet it fits, this world and everything in it is not the way it was created.  Most prominently are human relationships with God, with other people, with ourselves, and with the resources of the planet.  When relationships are messed up it’s because of sin.  Sin separates. We become estranged, strangers to everything we are to be intimately connected to.  The Bible teaches that this estrangement can go on for eternity.  This life is difficult enough, who would want a messed-up eternity? That’s why you need a savior.  A savior can bring rescue, refuge, and the resources you need to thrive in this world and the next. A savior brings reconciliation power to all those messed-up relationships. A savior can take the messes and transform them into an abundant life, a life of love and acceptance, a life of inclusion and belonging, and a life of meaning and purpose. 


Make this Christmas season your personal great and joyful event.  If you need a savior, then it has been revealed that Jesus is the one you need.  Acknowledge that you need a savior.  Believe that Jesus is that savior. Commit yourself to follow that Savior, living as that Savior directs.  Then ask to be saved. 


Romans 10:13 (NIV)

"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."


If you already know Jesus as your savior, then put your savior in the center of all your Christmas season.  Make the entire month a time of joy and celebration.


How do you invite Santa to your party? You request his presents.

How do you invite Jesus into your life?  You request His presence.


The presence of Jesus in your life will make for a great and joyful Christmas.  This year you especially need the celebration. Let’s have some fun.


Did you hear that Rudolph got a bad report in his history class?  He went down in it.


What do you call chess masters bragging about their games in the lobby of a hotel? Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer.


Walmart is giving away last year's stock of Christmas batteries. They’re free of charge.


What did the bald man say when he got a comb for Christmas? “I’ll never part with it!”


What’s the Grinch’s least favorite band? The Who.


Ok, my jokes, are not so funny, but Reindeer tell the best Christmas jokes.

They sleigh ya every time.


This is no joke:

Luke 2:10-11 (NIV)

I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.


Let’s celebrate


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