Revelation #2 Revelation 1: 1-5 What's Happening Soon in Revelation
Let’s start our study of the Book of Revelation.
1 A revealing of Jesus, the
Messiah. God gave it to make plain to his servants what is about to happen. He
published and delivered it by Angel to his servant John. 2 And
John told everything he saw: God's Word—the witness of Jesus Christ! 3 How
blessed the reader! How blessed the hearers and keepers of these oracle words,
all the words written in this book! Time is just about up.
We just read the Message paraphrase of
the original language. A paraphrase is
an attempt to put what is written into easier-to-understand language. The original language, Greek (Ἀποκάλυψις
Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ), translated for us as a revealing of Jesus, the Messiah,
supports our understanding that the Revelation is about Jesus. Jesus is both
the revealer and revealing His story through a messenger, an angel to
In this preamble, the word servant
is used. If you recall this can be
misleading for the original word meant slave.
This revelation is given to Jesus’ slave John. Being a slave to Christ is a good thing, it
is not involuntary servitude it is willing entering into a relationship of
dedication, loyalty, and obedience. It
is what we mean by the term, bending the knee to the Lordship of Jesus. To do so is to willingly and wholeheartedly
surrender one’s rights, such that you strive to align all your thoughts and
behaviors in sync with Jesus. You make
Jesus your authority for living. In
doing so you identify with Jesus. We
hear a lot of foolishness about identifying these days. At work, I identify as transparent, my pronouns
are who/where … because good employees are hard to find. But when we identify
with Jesus it’s a serious reality choice, who we are, and what we are about is
rooted in Christ. We have placed ourselves at His command, a life-long
commission, a life-long enlistment.
That’s what it means to be a servant of Christ.
One of the many reasons anyone
voluntarily becomes a slave to Jesus is that they believe that Jesus is the
way, the truth, and the life, that He is the door, the means, to forgiveness,
reconciliation, and life eternal. When
one asks God to accept their faith a transformation process begins, their
character begins to change, and their lives begin to align with love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Jesus sets them free to live their lives to
the full. They start to become the person that God created them to be. They recognize that they are accepted and
belong, that their life has meaning and purpose, and that they can live
significantly by loving others with the love that has been lavished upon
them. Have you bent your knee to
Jesus? With the dualism, the either-or
that we will encounter in the Revelation you will be aligned with Christ or
aligned with the anti-Christ. It’s my prediction that those aligned with Christ
win with Christ. It is always best to be a winner. Consider what is at stake,
life to the full now, eternity later, and make your best decision.
There is another secret buried in the
original language translated for us as “told everything he saw.” The phrase
“everything he saw” (emarturEsen, ἐμαρτύρησεν) carries
with it the idea of being a martyr. John’s testimony is backed up by his
willingness to face death because of it.
You can kill me but I’m not changing my testimony.
The root word for martyr shows up
again in “the witness of Jesus Christ!”
(marturian μαρτυρίαν). The witness of Jesus, backed up by
His death and subsequent resurrection, is to the consummation Kingdom of God.
The revealer, Jesus, is unveiling Himself as well as revealing the end state of
history, the consummation of the Kingdom.
The slaves of Jesus are willing to
be martyrs rather than recant their testimony.
Jesus was asked if he was the son of God (Luke 22:70), and his answer
led to his execution. Believers are to
follow Jesus' example and refuse to surrender their faith in the face of death.
This is the type of loyalty Christ's followers are called to.
Verse three is the first of seven
beautitudes in the Book. The blessing
for reading and more so for keeping the truth the Revelation reveals includes
spiritual insight into God’s ultimate plan for redeeming humanity from
corruption, the reader finds encouragement and hope during the trials and
tribulations this life can visit upon them, so there is comfort and reassurance
during the hard times. The writing helps motivate those who read and keep its
teachings to live faithfully in a world that has turned its back on God. There are seven beatitudes, and this one is
part of that 7, the number that stands for the complete unfolding plan of
God. Part of God’s plan for you is
empowering you to persevere in adverse times.
Let’s squeeze in a cultural
tidbit. This is a letter that was to be
read to the congregation. The public
reading of the scripture was a Jewish practice.
The scrolls would be opened and a member of the congregation would read
aloud the word of God. Scholars assume
not many people would be educated enough to read at this time. Today in some of
our traditions today there is a time in a gathering when the scripture is read
aloud before the preaching time. Illiteracy is at the root of this ritual.
Blessed are those who keep this
oracle. Generally, an oracle means
simply God’s Word. As God’s word the
oracle is authoritative. To keep the
oracle has a moral dimension to it.
There is something within the writing that those who hear are to do.
Now let’s deal with what the
writer means by “the time is just about up,” that what is written here will
happen soon. Well, it’s been a little
longer than what we would consider soon.
So what do we make of this? With apocalyptic language “soon” addresses
the certainty of the event, not chronological proximity. “Soon,” “quickly,” and “the time is at hand” mean that
what has been written will become a reality but no time frame is given. There
is no specific time frame to pin down, just the assurance that what is written
will occur. What we are left with is expectancy, possibly even surprise. For
believers caught up amidst suffering the idea of “soon” would have given them a
sense of hope and with hope the power to cope with the situation. For all those who have bent the knee to
Jesus, the victory realized will be soon.
A quick summary of the preamble
before we press on. Jesus is both the
revealer and who is revealed, the significance of His work.
When we voluntarily bend the knee to the Lordship of Christ we become
His slaves and are to remain loyal even in the face of death for our testimony.
There is a blessing for us as we read and heed what is written in Revelation,
there is grace to persevere and hope to cope with the problems we are
facing. We can know with certainty, even
if we do not know when that the Kingdom will be consummated and with it,
victory realized so we conduct the affairs of our lives with expectancy.
Revelation 1:4-8 (MSG)
4 I, John, am writing this to the
seven churches in Asia province: All the best to you from The God
Who Is, The God Who
Was, and The God About
to Arrive,
and from the Seven Spirits assembled before his throne, 5 and from Jesus Christ—Loyal Witness, Firstborn from the
dead, Ruler of all earthly kings. Glory and strength to Christ, who loves us, who blood-washed our sins from our
lives, 6 Who
made us a Kingdom, Priests for his Father, forever—and yes, he's on his way! 7 Riding
the clouds, he'll be seen by every eye, those who mocked and killed him will
see him, People from all nations and all times will tear their clothes in
lament. Oh, Yes.
8 The
Master declares, "I'm A to Z. I'm The
God Who Is, The God
Who Was, and The God
About to Arrive. I'm
the Sovereign-Strong."
The 7 churches are listed in verse
11. We adopted a date for the writing of
this letter to be around 95 AD. At this
time the 7 congregations written to are the most prominent in Asia Minor. There were others but these were the
influential churches. John must have been known by these congregations. John’s
vision will soon take us to otherworldly realms but here the Revelation is
anchored in historic churches. It is a message to them. Because of the nature of apocalyptic literature,
it is also a message to us. A message
about Jesus.
John gives us good greetings from
himself, from God the Father, from the 7 Spirits, and Jesus. We can safely
conclude that John is the John we read about in the gospels, one of the first
disciples of Jesus, whom history has named John the Apostle. Scholars can support other identities but the
council of Nicea included the Revelation as part of the authorized books called
scripture. That council also rejected
other apocalypses that didn’t meet their criteria of authentication. Regardless
if the author is John the Apostle or the writer picking a name everyone would
recognize, or some other John, what we will read is considered the Word of God.
John sends us greetings from the One
who was, and is, and is to come. This is an important title as later in the
writing this title is going to change and that change holds something
significant. “Was” refers to the past,
“is” refers to the present, and “is to come” refers to the future, this is the
God of human history. It is an affirmation of God’s sovereignty. Scholars
debate but I think we can surmise that John is greeting us in the name of God
the Father.
The 7 Spirits identifies the Holy
Spirit. 7 represents completeness, harmony, and integrity. To identify the Holy
Spirit as the 7 Spirits is a way of expressing the fullness and the perfection
of the Holy Spirit’s work. John might
very well be drawing this imagery from the prophet Isaiah (11:2-3) where the
Spirit of the Lord is given 7 attributes that are in turn given to those
anointed by the Spirit: wisdom, understanding,
counsel, might, knowledge, reverence for God, and the power to restore
righteousness. As one who has bent their knee to Jesus the Holy Spirit indwells
you empowering you with these same attributes in your service to God. John is
greeting us in the name of the Holy Spirit.
We also receive greetings from Jesus
who is the Loyal Witness, Firstborn from the dead, and Ruler of all earthly kings. Again
the word witness is the translation of the Greek word from which we get our
word “martyr.” Jesus is our model and He was faithful to His mission of
proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom of God, for which He was executed. As followers of Jesus, we too are to be
willing to die for our mission, for our faith. But death is not the end for
Jesus nor for those who follow His lead, for Jesus is the Firstborn from the
dead. The gospels read of His
resurrection, and that He is the first, tells us that others will follow. That
of course is one of the great hopes of Christianity, a bodily resurrection. Even though they kill you because of your
testimony, there will be a resurrection.
Jesus is also identified as the Ruler
of the Kings of the Earth. This is
present tense, Jesus is Lord right now, not at some future date. So the drama
is being set up because the world sure doesn’t seem to be under the rulership
of Jesus. There is going to be a clash between the kings of the earth and
Jesus, this is part of the dualism of apocalyptic literature. Things are not
what they seem to be from the vantage point that the writer of Ecclesiastes
called under the sun. Evil appears to be
all-powerful, but the real power is God in Christ, who we shall soon see is the
ruler of history.
Just in case you missed it, John gives
Jesus three titles here. The number 3 can represent completeness or
perfection. The number three is part of
worship as we shall see in Revelation chapter 7, “Holy, Holy, Holy.” but most
often it is a number that represents God.
John has greeted us in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. Such a greeting contributes to the doctrine of the Trinity, one God,
three persons; diversity within the oneness.
We will pick up next time right here
in the middle of verse 5. There is a
powerful message that we can take away from this greeting John has given
us. “Evil is apparent power which is
really powerless” (Vernard Eller, The Most Revealing Book In the Bible, pp
48-49). While “God is real power clothed in apparent powerlessness” (ibid. p 48). Consider how Jesus won the victory over sin
and death, and the ultimate defeat of evil.
He allowed himself to be crucified, being taken by your enemies and
killed looks like powerlessness, but in God’s plan, the tables were turned, and
the powerless is revealed as the powerful. Nothing stops God’s plan for human
We can take away three truths from
this teaching.
When we voluntarily bend the knee to the
Lordship of Christ we become His slaves and are to remain loyal even in the
face of death for our testimony.
2. 2. When we die following Jesus, it’s not the end,
there is a bodily resurrection promised. This truth emboldens us to be faithful
Even if it doesn’t look like it, God’s
plan to redeem His creation will not be stopped. So we live with the expectancy
that everything will become alright in Christ.
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